Captain America #42 - This is the final chapter of Brubaker's "Death of Captain America" arc and the book I am most looking foward to. Brubaker run on Captain America has been one of the greatest run's in comics and can't wait to see were he takes Bucky and crew after this story.
Daredevil #111 - Another Brubaker title I am looking foward to. It has been a while since I read Daredevil on an ongoing bases but after dropping a few titles I have decided to pick up this title up again. Hopefully Brubaker can finally achieve something that not many writers have been able to do in the past 20+ years: create a compelling new villain with longevity. And from the preview this new Lady Bullseye character looks to be a compelling villain.
Superman/Batman #52 - The last issue of Superman/Batman just a pure fun. I loved the little Justice League and can't wait to see the appearance of the little Injustice League and what mischief they get into. This should be another funny issue.
Teen Titans #63 - The last few issues of Teen Titans was very disappointing but I still have hopes McKeever can deliver a good read since I liked his last actual story arc "Terror Titans."
Ultimate Fantastic Four/X-Men Annual #1 - This part two of the F4/X-Men annual and even though the X-Men/F4 annual wasn't the greatest read this F4/X-Men annual should be a nice popcorn for the brain issue to set up Loeb's Ultimatum story.
Ultimate Spider-Man #126 - What can I say about Ultimate Spider-Man that hasn't been said before other than it should be another dependable read. And even though I have never been a big Venom/Symbiote fan Bendis has been able to make at care for them more than in the 616-Marvel symbiote.
Well after two weeks of very weak reads it looks like Marvel and DC have decided to put out some of my favorite titles in one week. Great! I also have another DVD review of Dragonball Z Season 6 in the works that should be up next. And because I have a couple of tests in my business classes the next couple of days I wont be posting a review until Friday or Saturday.
Ultra Mega Cats Announces Steam Next Fest Demo
Ultra Mega Cats will have a free dcemo available for Steam Next Fest, as
we're still waiting for the game to be released in Early Access
1 hour ago
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