Batman and Robin #3 – Morrison and Quietly have been doing a great job so far on this title. This is just a fun story were Morrison is being too extreme with his story ideas like he was in the later part of his run on Batman and in Final Crisis. Quietly's artwork adds to the fun of this story arc and I look forward to this issue.Fantastic Four #570 – I really want to read Fantastic Four on an ongoing basis. This is one of the comic books I grew up reading. But I just keep jumping in and out of this title for the past four years. I did like the initial Miller and Hitch arc but after that the delays hurt the series which made me drop it. Now I am hoping that Johnathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham can make me pick this series on a ongoing basis again. I have like the few things that I have read of Hickman's and Eaglesham is one of my favorite artist so I believe this is a team that can give a solid read.
Flash: Rebirth #4 – This has been one slow series that has been nothing but Geoff Johns trying his hardest to try and convince everyone how Barry Allen is the greatest hero that has ever lived. And now that this series has gone from being a five issue mini-series to a six I am looking forward to this issue even less. But hey maybe Johns will be able to surprise me and provide an actual story that is not just more Barry Allen praising.
Green Lantern #45 – Yet another Geoff Johns series I am not looking forward to. I have really soured on all of Johns recent Green Lantern work. And other than the Green Lantern Corps tie-in and Blackest Night: Batman #1 I have not like Blackest Night so far. But from the looks of it we are finally going to get to the War of Lights part of Blackest Night so Johns may surprise me in giving a good read.
Guardians of the Galaxy #17 – The last issue of Guardians of the Galaxy wasn't as good as I was hoping. Still DnA have usually been money on this title and after what happened with War of Kings I look forward to seeing what DnA have in store for this title.
Nova #28 – Nova has become one of my favorite titles since the beginning of the series as DnA have just made this title a lot of fun to read. I especially like that Richard is Nova Prime again and I'm sure this will be a fun issue with Richard going to save his little brother.
Teen Titans #74 – Bryan Q. Miller has been doing a great job with this arc. This is the first Teen Titans arc that I have enjoyed since the "Titans of Tomorrow….Today" arc. Hopefully Miller can deliver a great ending to a surprisingly enjoyable arc.
Scrubs Season Eight – Scrubs was a one of my favorite TV Shows and was a very underrated series. Though I will admit that season 5-7 wasn't the series best. But finally the series recovered in time for its final season, before its reboot to become Scrubs: Medical School, as this was one the shows best seasons since its third. A lot of great comedic and dramatic episode that saw a lot of evolution for all the characters that gave the show as a whole closure.Smallville Season Eight – Still can't believe this show has been going on for eight seasons now. But season eight was the shows best season since the early ones that took place in high school. And for the first time in a long time I am actually looking forward to next season. Though I won't be getting this season on DVD until a bit later but if you're a Smallville fan this is a DVD to get this week.
Video Games
Batman: Arkham Asylum – Even though I won't be getting this game until I get the PS3 Slim sometime next month this is still a video game that I look forward to playing. From all the gameplay footage and the demo I played at Best Buy this looks to be a great video game especially with the voices from the Batman: The Animated Series return to reprise their roles for this video game.
Dissidia Final Fantasy – I am a big Final Fantasy fan with VII, X, and XII being among my favorite video games. And once I heard that this will combine some of the biggest names from all the Final Fantasy video games, excluding XII and the upcoming XIII, this is a must buy for my PSP. I am sure to love this game and I think this should easily be a contender for video game of the year.
Water Chlorination Might Be Raising Our Risk of Certain Cancers
[image: Water Faucet]
A new review has found a link between chlorine byproducts in our drinking
water and a greater chance of bladder and colorectal cancer.
1 hour ago
Only Batman and Robin for me this week.
I can't wait to get my hands on Arkham Asylum, sadly it looks like it's going to have to wait to be a birthday gift with how slow my funds are coming in. Oh well, my Bday is only about a month away.
I've been tempted to get a PSP for the longest time, Dissidia is just another reason I should get it. While I've never been big on the FF series, 4 was my favorite game of all time and I did buy/love Advent Children.
@Susan: Thanks Susan! Glad you enjoy my blog.
@Andrenn: Arkham Asylum looks like it is going to be sick game. Can't wait to get my PS3 and buy the game with it in a couple weeks.
Honestly the PSP doesn't have many great games with Daxter, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and God of War: Chains of Olympus being the only games I actually own since the others I've rented weren't great. Though Dissidia is sure to add value to the PSP as the game looks sick.
And Advent Children is awesome especially the Complete version on blu-ray.
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