Avengers/Invaders #6 - Kruger and Ross Avengers/Invaders has really been flying under the radar with Final Crisis and Secret Invasion currently still running. I have been enjoying this story and Kruger and Ross have been showing that Marvel does have a rich history before the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man came around by showcasing heroes that were true heroes of their time in the Invaders.
As you can see I am only getting one title this week, which may be a sign that there is comic book God, which is a good thing for me since for the past two weeks I have been busy with different business projects I have due at the end of the semester. Ah, the things I do to graduate early. Thankfully I have all my presentations on Monday so that I have a small break till finals in three weeks. And also I did not get a chance to post the "Legen-wait for it-dary Comic Book Highlights of the Week" for this past week in comics but since I am only getting one title this week I will combine this week and last weeks highlights together into one. Hope everyone enjoys their comics this week. Later!
The Last Caretaker Shows Off Gameplay In Latest Video
Check out the first gameplay footage for The Last Caretaker, as the
community manager shows off a few new aspects of the game
2 hours ago
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